As part of advising on the continued regeneration of the Riverside Way Estate at Uxbridge, Slough Estates Plc asked us to secure permission for a major new office block at the Estate’s main entrance as well for the redevelopment of an area of dated warehousing with modern, flexible, business units.
The Council sought to resist office development but we renewed an earlier permission and promoted that as the foundation for the new office scheme. We resisted various matters sought by the Council in relation to the business accommodation, including the provision of small units. In addition, a satisfactory level of car parking and the approach to a green travel plan could not be agreed. Our research showed the inappropriateness of the Council’s position with regard to car parking, the lack of any demand for small industrial units in the area and the regenerative benefits of the office development. We secured support from the GLA to our arguments. We also argued that the green travel plan arrangements were properly for tenants to address following their occupation of the building.
The matter was determined at inquiry. Our evidence led to the appeal being allowed with a satisfactory level of parking provision, a green travel plan condition for tenants to address after six months in occupation and no requirement for small units. Costs were awarded against the Council.